Research and development 

To remain competitive on the market, Neri Motori has always cultivated experimental design, which is now represented by the R&D department.

Innovation in technology, organisation and processes is one of the mainstays of the company.

Following a culture of continual improvement, we try to broaden scientific and technical knowledge to apply new technologies and develop new products. The know-how acquired is then shared with our suppliers and strategic partners to obtain the best results.

Thanks to its collaboration with one of Italy’s major universities, the University of Bologna, our Research and Development department is conducting a number of electronic and renewable energy projects.

Amongst its current projects, Neri Motori has participated in a contract co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund aimed at “Research and development of new families of IE4 and IE5 high-efficiency synchronous motors and high-reliability multi-phase asynchronous motors” (see R&D contract »).